I am the CEO of Changing Spaces Logistics, LLC where we provide the service of moving ground freight over land from point A to point B via tractor trailer, box trucks, shuttling services, and beyond. Drivers, click on the Carrier Information Form button below to submit your information for upcoming employment opportunities!
I am a Certified International Women’s Empowerment Coach (CWEC) and through our programming, I provide tips, tools and information that will help you live your best life! You will receive information that will help you become the person that you desire to become – whether it is success as a wife, mother, sister, friend meeting your health and wellness goals or joining groups of like-minded women for networking and professional development.
In addition to being a Certified International Women’s Empowerment Coach, I am an accomplished author. My first book was The Sun In My Eye, the second was She Became Me - A Letter To My Younger Self and I am also a contributing author of the International seller, The Future Female Leader.
On this site, you can explore my companies, purchase my books, find information about upcoming events and links to my social media platforms, and connect with me for future partnerships. Please like, share, and subscribe.